Create your QR code online for free.

Generate your own QR code with Famral for free! Easily link to your website and social media. Boost customer engagement in a snap. Just input your URL and get your personalized QR code with a few taps!

Create QR code now

Link to qr code generator

Enter a link or URL

Input the information you want the QR code to contain. For example, if it's a website URL, enter the complete web address.

Customize qr code

Customize your design

Customise your free online QR code to match your branding by choosing qr code size, your own logo and different colours.

generate qr code

Generate and Download

Once you’re happy with how your QR code looks, you have the option to download it in two different file types - PNG or SVG.

use qr code for marketing

Use QR code for marketing

This could include displaying it in print ads, on clothing, or in physical locations where people can take out their phones to scan it.

Best QR Code Generator

A user-friendly and customizable QR code generator that allows you to create custom QR codes easily.

Create Free QR Code

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